The Gospel of John "The Movie"

Monday, October 26, 2009

John Discussion Questions

Text: John 15:1-27

1. List the "SEVEN I AM" claims that Jesus made in the book of John (see John 6:35, 8:12, 10:7, 10:11, 11:25, 14:6, and 15:1).

2. List what you think are important lessons from the parable of the vine and the branches from verses 1-8.

3. From the lesson text, how do we abide in the Lord's love and be considered His friends?

4. Who is Jesus talking about in verse 16?

5. What are some consequences that Jesus says will come to the apostles, that also will come upon all disciples? Please include other scriptures from the NT to make your point.

6. From verse 26, what is the Helper going to do when He comes?

7. From verse 27, who is this verse referring to? Give other scriptures that also show this to be so.

John Discussion Questions for Class #21

Text: John 16:1-33

1. How could people that would kill the apostles think they are offering service to God?

2. Why is it good for the apostles if Jesus leaves them?

3. What 3 things will the Helper convict the world of?

4. According to verse 12, had Jesus told the apostles all that He wanted to say to them?

5. What will the Spirit of Truth do when He comes? What indicates that this work was completed a long time ago?

6. Jesus tells the apostles that they will soon be sorrowful and then their sorrow would be turned to joy. What is He talking about? Provide scriptures for your answer.

7. Jesus uses an illustration in verse 21. How would this illustration help the apostles understand? (Also see Hebrews 12:11)

8. Figurative language and figure of speech are mentioned in our text. Why did Jesus speak figuratively from time to time? (See Matthew 13:10-17)

9. In verse 32 Jesus says to the apostles that a time is coming when they would "be scattered, each to his own, and will leave me alone." When did this happen? Give scriptures for your answers.

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